Wednesday, February 28, 2007
hols are in

Some crazy guy that i took photo with.
yahoo.. i will be out from spore to well the nearest neighbour, msia this sat morning. to K for 2 days then down to port dickson. well is not tt much.. but yah.. i think my mom shld deserve the hols more. well.. i dun think there is much of holiday for me though. i need to go back to skool for BAOC preparation, planning and bla bla bla for most of the time. and we only have 5 weeks to prepare!!!!! oh well.. everything just have to be last min as usual.
oh oh oh!!! Friday is Siglap's Cest La vie 7??? i dunno lah.. its the IV.. haha.. if it is 7 or 6.. OMG!!! cant believe tt it has been that freaking long man... to think that me, when sec 3, started out the very first cest la vie at Victoria's Concert Hall......................... sheeshhh... "cest la vie" is already old!!! hahahaha!! 6 years..... sheesh!
haha.. that brendon guy from AI some how have the same smile as HIS. hahahaha.. true what my sister said. hahah..
Signing off @ 11:11 PM
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
men again...
i wonder if anyone would say to his gf/bf tt he/she had spent enuf time with u? would you? i wouldnt to my bf. he did. and maybe he didnt get the point tt i was hurt with wad he said.okay. i understand tt u want to spend time with ur cusins, family and all. after all they are ur family.
and all i just ask for him to start work a bit later on friday. i didnt ask him not to work at all, which income will not be in.
since u want to play the game of" i have spent enuf time with you" sure.. i will tag along.
u heard me?
Signing off @ 9:41 PM
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
and so...
today i went out to jb, supposed to meet at 1015am at estpt but yah he came later at ard 1030am. by then there was azman as well. so okay lah. there was someone to talk to in a way.ate ljs and ard 11 plus otw to jb by tpe, sle, bke.
he wants to change his brake. so we found a shop, an indian one cos most chinese one are closed. so bla bla bla..
i just felt out of place. bcos wen azman wanted to look out for other shops, its like the aura of being a third party is there. Becos of me, as there were only one bike left to roam ard the area, they looked like "oh man.. adibah is here. cannot go anywhere togther. one of us have to stay while 2 go ard to roam ard"
azman went first to roam ard, then later he asked me to follow him along n survey other motor shops available. but w tt "aura" of being a third person, i stayed behind. tt is my fault. cos they really went away and even the bike is done they still hadnt come back.
thank god i activated auto roaming. if not.. i dunno lah. men,bike n bike accessories. everything else is like thin air.
finally when they came back, they changed some screws on azman's bike, while i stared at them. afterward, went to this place where they sell ABC with ice cream topped with peanuts and chocolate. i didnt want to order cos i wasnt tt hungry so i snatched from his bowl.
oklah.. ABC was ok. but the conversation was just him and azman. where am i to fit in? where am i to come into the conversation? and the part i came in was when i found out abt their plans of camping supposedly on this sat, his mother gg to umrah with aziz n fatin n him not wanting to stay at kallang when they are gone. Y? bcos he hadnt tell me anything abt those above n only tt his plan to camp was not confirmed tts y he didnt want to tell.
boy.. how lost was i at the table but what else can i say.
after everything done, went back.. cos i had to work at 6pm. near the checkpoint, mom kept calling already. no choice but had to pick up... said to her was at jurong waiting for bus to MRT. somehow at tt time was 250pm still at JB but 315pm we were already at expressway to simei. roller coster ride..
we didnt go anywhere else but to a park near melville n sat there while toking, azman checking and wiping his bike clean, took pictures and ard 350pm i went home. slept for awhile then 5pm went out to estpt with mak n nenek. n had to eat ljs again cos tts wad mak wanted.
he went to KFC with azman.. ard the same time. but wen i was done with ljs, i went to meet him for a while after punch-in. and again i had to b the 3rd party. cos none acknwledge me.. i was somehow talking to him but he was talking to azman. 2 times i repeat but he didnt ans me. but while he was talking, he was searching my thumbdrive n gave it to me.
i looked at him, he looked at me.. n tts it. so okay fine.
work is okay.. only me n nisha felt tt were some fruit seller. cos we were giving out oranges to customer but the prob.. the oranges are not fresh n we had to choose the best of the bad oranges. oh well.
after work, i did the usual routine which is to call him. anw he didnt msged me thru out the 4 hrs i worked. so yah.. tok abit.. then i said " u shldnt bring me just now, u kept talking to azman je.."
and his reply is tt i looked out of place, kept quite and kept looking at my watch so he dunno wad to tok to me so he tok to azman. and wen he said he did, i gave him to black face.
Signing off @ 10:38 PM
Sunday, February 18, 2007
hapi chinese new year!
wee.. it is the start of a long public holiday and also for me... a very long sch hols. AND I DUNNO WAD TO DO!!!!!oh dear.. i watched tv the whole day since i woke up. hahah.. such a pig. and yah well i intend to clean up my study area.. but i tot.... the hols is damn long.. maybe i could do the next day or the day after tt.. or the day after after tt. ahahaha...
oh well... but somehow i am not tt delighted tt hols is in. i got no money to go out.. kaput there goes my money to pay the bills...... oh dear. i just cant wait to finish up that m1 line, so in the next few months i would be able to have 25.50 more! yipeee..
i wished i could have gone out for ysterday outing. but ya working... all the cina staffs on leave. so yah have to work. well..... even the mly full timers and one part timer took leave n also exchange shift. ahahah.. but i pity the full timers though, it is not easy being a full time receiptionist at a neighbouring shopping mall. deal with kiasu pple is damn up to boiling point. but pple always say.. its an easy job..
wait till u become one.
hahah.. okay.. i dunnno wad else to do.. and write.
c ya!
Signing off @ 11:27 PM
Saturday, February 10, 2007
this is my brand new me.. my new blog.. for the new me..
Signing off @ 10:17 PM